Page 7 - SSO Commanders Guide
P. 7

Spiritual fitness and outdoor adventure experiences are shown to...\u000A\u2022 Improve self-confidence, social skills, communication and motivation.\u000A\u2022 Improve mental capacity, concentration, ability to learn.\u000A\u2022 Provide an outlet for healthy and safe risk-taking.\u000A\u2022 Improve physical fitness and stamina.\u000A\u2022 Decrease the stress of daily life.\u000A\u2022 Decrease mental fatigue.\u000A\u2022 Strengthen teamwork.\u000A\u2022 Improve resilience.\u000AMission\u000AREACH service members with the gospel of Christ where they\u000Aare, CONNECT service members with other Christian service members, BUILD a Christ-centered foundation for living, SUSTAIN Christ-centered relationships through small-group Bible study and mentor relationships, DEPLOY on short-term missions locally and abroad outside the military context, and IMPACT the world for Christ both to and through the U.S. Military.\u000A  7\u000ASOUL SURVIVOR OUTDOOR\u000A 

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