Not a fan…
It’s the title of a video series and of at least one book. The premise is that we shouldn’t be “fans” of Jesus, sitting in the stands or standing on the sidelines cheering Him and others on in the epic battle for the souls of the world. We ought to be engaged in spiritual combat right alongside our savior.
Most of you know that I don’t live my life like it’s a hobby, nor do I approach career, family, or even Soul Survivor Outdoor that way. I don’t treat this responsibility lightly and I’ve been accused of being obsessed on more than one occasion. Someone politely said that perhaps I’m just passionate. Obsessed is a strong word, but it’s probably more accurate.
What are you obsessed about? Are you living your life and pursuing your career, living life as a Christian, as though it were a hobby, as though you are a “fan” of Jesus? It’s a dangerous place to be.
Christian pastor and author Francis Chan says there’s a good case for believing there’s no such thing as a “lukewarm” Christian. Francis makes this case predicated on the fact that never is spewing out of one’s mouth or throwing up used as a polite metaphor. But that’s the descriptive language Jesus uses in reference to being lukewarm. I think Francis is probably right and it gives me pause.
What am I living my life for? Am I living for the one that I hope to hear “well done good and faithful servant” from at the end of this life? We all need to be asking ourselves this question. We live in an age where standing up for what’s right, proclaiming the gospel in every area of life, is absolutely essential. It might even be dangerous.
Do we live in the literal last days? That’s for others to decide. I know I’m living in my last days. Everyone alive today is. We all begin our own journey toward the grave the day we’re born. Maybe you think that’s a little too morbid. Maybe, but the Bible tells us to “number our days” and goes on to say in another part of scripture that “today is the day of salvation.” Time isn’t on our side.
Some may write me off as some sort of extremist or be patting me on the back, metaphorically, and thinking that’s cute. I certainly hope not, but if I’m going to be an extremist about anything, I hope it ultimately means I’m extreme about following Christ and living out the calling he’s given me.
What about you?
Does this rambling fall on deaf ears or are you motivated to think long and hard about what God is calling you to and be more than a fan?
In America, and most of the western world, we seem to believe we’re called to accumulate wealth, personal possessions and a comfortable lifestyle. Do we wait to move out in the direction that God is calling us or do we work harder on our 401ks and vacation plans. I know I’ve been guilty of this.
Lest I completely lose everyone at this point, I too desire these things and don’t purposely seek to live in miserable circumstances. I also know the Bible talks about “rejoicing in the fruits of our labor.” And I know that Jesus did not say that money is the root of all evil. He made it clear that it’s the love of money that earns that title. So, where’s the balance?
If there’s a bottom line to this, it’s that we shouldn’t live or walk out our relationship with Jesus like it’s another hobby. We should be passionate about following the Lord wherever he leads each one of us.
We’re all called by Him to different areas of life and ministry. But don’t let your life’s pursuit be a hobby. Be passionate, or as the band For King and Country says, “this is my confession, You are my one obsession.”
What’s your obsession?