Board’s Roles and Responsibilities:
Oversee and nurture the organization's mission and purpose.
Ensure proactive organizational planning and management.
Provide proactive support and guidance for staff and periodically review staff performance(s).
Participate in strategic planning
Review financial statements. Assure the organizations resources are being managed effectively.
Approve contracts and policy
Ensure adequate resources
Determine and monitor the organization's programs and services
The following is a description of how a board should operate in a Christian non-profit organization, and provides a good framework to evaluate the operation of the Soul Survivor Outdoor board:
Board directors are trustees who act on behalf of Soul Survivor Outdoor constituents, including chapter leaders, donors, contestants and staff. The board of directors has the direct responsibility for fulfillment of the organization's mission and the legal accountability for its operations. As a group they are in charge of helping to establish a clear organizational mission, form the strategic plan, oversee and evaluate the plan's success ensuring financial solvency of the organization. In addition they shall hire a competent executive director and provide adequate supervision and support to that individual.
Board members accomplish their functions through regular meetings and by establishing a committee structure that is appropriate to the size of the organization and the board. Ideally this is a group process that generates and uses the best thinking of its members.
The Board is responsible to evaluate and determine compensation for the executive director.